Teaching the Life of Music
Director David New || Writter|Producer Noemi Weis | Narrator Cory Monteith || Editor Eugene Weis

Inspired by a man with a vision, Teaching the Life of Music, tells us the story of Maestro Jose Antonio Abreu, El Sistema and the impact that a developing country like Venezuela is having on a developed country like ours. We witness El Sistema’s ability to transform poverty and violence into healthy living through the passion and discipline inherit in music education.
“What caught my interest about Teaching The Life Of Music and El Sistema was the transformational effect music made on the children,” says Narrator and Actor Cory Monteith, “and how that transcends boundaries, languages, cultures, and borders, with a huge effect. This musical education can be reproduced anywhere in the world, and can change a child’s life forever.”
Media Reviews
“ Every once in a while a film comes along that brings you to tears ”
Teaching the Life of Music – Robin Shanks – iVillage.ca
“ This documentary will reveal the inspiration and passion that define El Sistema, and music’s ability to create social change “ – Teaching the Life of Music – CBC Canada
“ Worth Watching ” Debra Yeo Toronto Star
“ Teaching the life of Music is so unbashedly good hurted and joyful it would melt the most cynical of post modern hearts” – Anya Wassenberg – Art Culture